Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Metallica - Band Heavy Metal Sepanjang Masa

Sebagai band heavy metal, Metallica berdiri di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat dengan nama awal The Young of Metal Attack, dan beberapa bulan kemudian berganti nama menjadi

Metallica. Konon nama Metallica ini merupakan gabungan kata Metal dan Vodca. Formasi pertama Metallica adalah Lars Ulrich (drum), James Hetfield (vokal dan gitar), Lloyd Grant (gitar) dan Ron Mc Govney (bass). Formasi inilah yang melahirkan lagu pertama berjudul Hit The Light, sebuah lagu yang masuk dalam album kompilasi rock Metal Massacre 1981.

Formasi itu tak bertahan lama, sebab Grant dan Ron mengundurkan diri setelah Metal Massacre beredar. Untuk bisa tetap eksis, posisi Grant pun digantikan oleh Dave Mustaine dan posisi Ron digantikan Cliff Burton. Pada Juli 1982, mereka pun mengeluarkan demo-album No Life Till Leather, sebuah demo album yang kemudian mengantarkan Metallica mendapatkan agen dan hijrah ke New York.
Pada 1983, Metallica berencana akan melakukan tur pendek ke beberapa kota. Sayangnya, Hetfield dan Mustaine malah terlibat perseteruan, hingga akhirnya Mustaine keluar dan kemudian mendirikan Megadeth. Mustaine yang gitaris itu pun diganti Kirk Hammett, gitaris dari grup band Exodus. Formasi ketiga inilah yang kemudian mengeluarkan album Kill ‘Em All pada Mei 1983.

Di tahun selanjutnya, nama Metallica semakin besar, sehingga mampu merilis kembali album baru berjudul Ride the Lightning. Album ini mampu bertahan 50 minggu dalam Billboard Top 200. Sebagai promosi selanjutnya mereka mengeluarkan mini album bertajuk Jump in the Fire.

Metallica termasuk band yang produktif, hampir setiap tahun mengeluarkan album baru. Pada September 1985, Metallica pun memproduksi album Master of Puppets, dan kembali masuk Billboard Top 40 selama 72 minggu. Album ini merupakan album yang meraih platinum tanpa single dan video. Pada tahun selanjutnya, tepatnya 27 September 1986, dalam perjalanan tur ke Skandinavia, bus yang mereka tumpangi mengalami kecelakaan dan Cliff Burton (bass) meninggal dunia. Peristiwa ini membuat seluruh anggota band terpukul. Bahkan Dave Mustaine yang telah mendirikan Megadeth, mengenang kematian Cliff dalam lagu In My Darkest Hour (album Megadeth: So far.. So Good.. So What!). Selanjutnya, pada Oktober 1986, posisi Cliff Burton digantikan oleh Jason Newsted, basis dari grup Floatsam And Jetsam.

Selang setahun, beredarlah album And Justice for All, tepatnya pada September 1988. Pada saat inilah Metallica mulai mengeluarkan video klip. Video pertama mereka adalah untuk lagu One, video yang akhirnya menduduki urutan pertama di MTV. Dengan keberhasilan ini, mereka mendorong produksi video klip Cliff ‘Em All, sebuah video kenangan untuk Cliff Burton.

Nah, pada akhirnya, sekitar akhir 1990, album berjudul Metallica pun direkam. Album ini membuat Metallica mencapai penjualan Quadruple Platinum, dan menjadi album nomor satu di delapan negara bagian Amerika dan Eropa. Bahkan, meraih penghargaan Grammy Award, kategori Penampil Metal Terbaik dua tahun berturut-turut.

Sebelumnya, Metallica muncul di Scene Underground pada awal 1980-an, tapi kemudian berkembang menjadi band Rock Mainstream raksasa. Bersama Megadeth, Slayer, dan Anthrax, Metallica merupakan generasi Thrash Metal era 1980-an. Akan tetapi, eksisitensi Metallica patut diacungi jempol, sebab beberapa lagunya mampu menjadi Icon-MTV yang dinyanyikan band-band muda seperti Sum 41, Korn, dan Limp Bizkit.

Pascakevakuman, 1991-1995, Metallica masih mampu bangkit dengan album Load (1996) dan ReLoad (1997), album yang mengganti tempo metal cepat dengan nada gitar yang bluesy, bahkan ditambah dengan permainan slide guitar dan steel guitar, hurdy-gurdy dan violin. Sebagian fans menyindir mereka sebagai Poptalica, Alternica, dan bahkan Lica saja. Beberapa lagu dari Load dan Reload sering diputar radio-radio Amerika Serikat.

Dalam album berikutnya, Metallica hanya men-cover lagu-lagu dari sejumlah artis yang mempengaruhi mereka, mulai dari The Misfits, Thin Lizzy, Black Sabbath, sampai ke Nick Cave, dan Bob Seger. Pada 1999, Metallica dilantik ke San Francisco Walk of Fame, dan bulan berikutnya, mereka merekam dua pertunjukan dengan San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, serta merilisnya dengan judul S&M.

Pada 2001, Jason Newsted pun meninggalkan Metallica. Berbagai wawancara mengungkapkan bahwa pengunduran itu diakibatkan oleh keinginannya untuk membuat CD dan melakukan tur bersama band pribadinya: Echobrain, namun keinginan tersebut selalu dihadang oleh Hetfield. Posisinya pun digantikan Robert Trujillo, eks basis Suicidal Tendencies yang pernah main bersama band Ozzy Osbourne, Infectious Grooves, dan Black Label Society. Dan, Newsted pun pada 2003 bergabung dengan band legendaris Thrash Metal asal Kanada: Voivod, dan secara menarik menggantikan posisi Trujillo dalam Ozzfest.

Pada 2003 juga, Metallica menanggapi pihak yang mengklaim mereka telah kehilangan kekerasan sond dengan album kedelapan berjudul St. Anger. Album ini dibuat kasar dan tak terpoles, sehingga memunculkan kritik pedas dari fans-nya. Meskipun demikian, album St. Anger ini memenangkan Grammy 2004.

Selanjutnya, di 2006, Metallica mengakhiri kerjasama yang telah dilakukan selama 15 tahun dengan produser Bob Rock, dan menjalinkan kerjasama baru dengan produser legendaris Rick Rubin. Rick Rubin adalah produser yang biasa menangani album Beastie Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Weezer, Audioslave, Slipknot, System of a Down, Johnny Cash, LL Cool J, Jay-Z, dan Slayer.

Pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2008 Metallica akhirnya telah menyelesaikan proses rekaman album studio baru mereka yang ke sembilan "Death Magnetic" yang diluncurkan pada tanggal 12 September 2008 di seluruh dunia.
Album tersebut diproduseri oleh "Rick Rubin" dan proses rekaman dilakukan di Sound City Studios, Shangri La Studios dan di studio Metallica sendiri.
Single dan video klip pertama mereka "The Day That Never Comes" akan dirilis akhir bulan ini. Sebagai tambahan anda dapat mengunduh semua lagu dari album tersebut untuk digunakan dalam game "Guitar Hero III" pada hari saat peluncuran album "Death Magnetic" tersebut.
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Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Hukum Tajwid


Dalil tentang tajwid

Adapun dalil dalil yang mewajibkan membaca al-Quran dengan tajwid antara lain:
1.Ada pun dalil yang pertama di ambil dari al-Quran. allah swt berfirman :

yang artinya “Dan bacalah Al-Qur’an itu dengan perlahan/tartil (bertajwid)” [QS:Al-Muzzammil (73): 4]. Ayat ini jelas menunjukkan bahwa Allah SWT memerintahkan Nabi Muhammad untuk membaca al-Quran yang diturunkan kepadanya dengan tartil, yaitu memperindah pengucapan setiap huruf-hurufnya (bertajwid).
2.yang kedua dalil as sunah ( hadist ). Dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan dari Ummu Salamah r.a.(istri Nabi SAW), ketika beliau ditanya tentang bagaiman bacaan dan sholat Rasulullah SAW, maka beliau menjawab: ”Ketahuilah bahwa Baginda s.a.w. sholat kemudian tidur yang lamanya sama seperti ketika beliau sholat tadi, kemudian Baginda kembali sholat yang lamanya sama seperti ketika beliau tidur tadi, kemudian tidur lagi yang lamanya sama seperti ketika beliau sholat tadi hingga menjelang shubuh. Kemudian dia (Ummu Salamah) mencontohkan cara bacaan Rasulullah s.a.w. dengan menunjukkan (satu) bacaan yang menjelaskan (ucapan) huruf-hurufnya satu persatu.” (Hadits 2847 Jamik At-Tirmizi).
3.yang ketiga adalah dalil ijma ulama. adalah telah sepakat para ulama dari zaman rasulullah sampai zaman sekarang, bahwa membaca alqur’an dengan bertajwid adalah sesuatu yang fardhu dan wajib.

Hukum nun mati atau tanwin

Jika nun mati atau tanwin bertemu huruf-huruf Halqi (tenggorokan) seperti: alif/hamzah(ء), ha' (ح), kha' (خ), 'ain (ع), ghain (غ), dan ha' (ه), maka ia harus dibaca jelas.

Contoh: نَارٌ حَامِيَةٌ


IDGHAM terbagi menjadi 2.
Iaitu memasukkan tanpa dengung. Ia terdiri dari dua huruf iaitu Ra' dan Lam.
Apabila salah satu dari dua huruf tersebut bertemu dengan Nun Sakinah atau Tanwin dengan syarat di dalam dua kalimah yang berasingan, ia mestilah dibaca dengan Idgham Bila Ghunnah. Bacaan Idghamnya tidak disertai dengan Ghunnah (dengung).


Apabila Nun Sakinah atau Tanwin bertemu dengan salah satu huruf-huruf Idgham Ma'al Ghunnah iaitu Ya', Wau, Mim dan Nun dalam dua kalimah. Maka ia dibaca dengan disertai ghunnah (dengung) dengan kadar 2 harakat.

Jika nun mati atau tanwin bertemu dengan keenam huruf idgam tersebut tetapi ditemukan dalam satu kata, seperti بُنْيَانٌ, اَدُّنْيَا, قِنْوَانٌ, dan صِنْوَانٌ, maka nun mati atau tanwin tersebut dibaca jelas
Dari sudut bahasa: Menukarkan sesuatu kepada sesuatu.
Dari sudut istilah Ilmu Tajwid: Menukarkan lafaz sesuatu huruf kepada huruf yang lain.

Apabila Nun Sakinah atau Tanwin bertemu dengan huruf Iqlab iaitu Ba', maka hendaklah ditukarkan Nun Sakinah atau Tanwin kepada Mim dengan disertai suara "Ghunnah" (dengung) dengar kadar panjang dua harakat. Sebab ditukarkan Nun Sakinah dan Tanwin kepada Mim tidak kepada huruf-huruf yang lain kerana Mim dan Ba' ada persamaan antara makhraj dan sifatnya.
• Makhraj Mim dan Ba' pada antara dua bibir.
• Sifat yang sama antara Mim dan Ba' pula ialah Jahar, Istifal, Infitah, Idzlaq dan Ghunnah

Jika nan mati atau tanwin bertemu dengan huruf-huruf seperti ta'(ت), tha' (ث), jim (ج), dal (د), dzal (ذ), zai (ز), sin (س), syin (ش), sod (ص), dhod (ض), tho (ط), zho (ظ), fa' (م), qof (م), dan kaf (ك), maka ia harus dibaca samar-samar (antara Izhar dan Idgham)

Hukum mim mati

• Apabila Mim Sakinah bertemu dengan huruf Ba', maka wajib dibaca dengan Ikhfa' dan ghunnah dengan kadar 2 harakat.
• Ia dinamakan Syafawi kerana Huruf Mim dan Ba' sama-sama keluar dari dua bibir.
• Ikhfa' Syafawi terdiri dari satu huruf iaitu Ba'.

2.IDGAM MIMI ( إدغام ميمى)
Apabila mim mati (مْ) bertemu dengan mim (م), maka cara membacanya adalah seperti menyuarakan mim rangkap atau ditasyidkan dan wajib dibaca dengung. Idgham mimi disebut juga idgham mislain atau mutamasilain.
Contoh: (أَم مَنْ) (كَمْ مِن فِئَةٍ)

• Apabila Mim Sakinah bertemu dengan huruf-huruf Hijaiyyah selain dari huruf Ba' dan Mim maka hukum bacaannya adalah Izhar.
• Dibaca dengan tidak disertai ghunnah (dengung).
• Di namakan Izhar Syafawi kerana Mim makhrajnya di antara dua bibir.

Hukum alif lam ma'rifah

Terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu :

1.Alif lam qamariah ialah lam yang diikuti oleh 14 huruf hijaiah, seperti: alif/hamzah(ء), ba' (ب), jim (ج), ha' (ح), kha' (خ), 'ain (ع), ghain (غ), fa' (ف), qaf (ق), kaf (ك), mim (م), wau (و), ha' (ﮬ) dan ya' (ي). Hukum alif lam qamariah diambil dari bahasa arab yaitu al-qamar (ﺍﻟﻘﻤﺮ) yang artinya adalah bulan. Maka dari itu, cara membaca alif lam ini adalah dibacakan secara jelas tanpa meleburkan bacaannya.

2.Alif lam syamsiah ialah lam yang diikuti oleh 14 huruf hijaiah seperti: ta' (ت), tha' (ث), dal (د), dzal (ذ), ra' (ر), zai (ز), sin (س), syin (ش), sod (ص), dhod (ض), tho (ط), zho (ظ), lam (ل) dan nun (ن). Nama asy-syamsiah diambil dari bahasa Arab (ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺴﻴﻪ) yang artinya adalah matahari. Maka dari itu, cara membaca alif lam ini tidak dibacakan melainkan dileburkan kepada huruf setelahnya.

Hukum idgham

Idgham (ﺇﺩﻏﺎﻡ) adalah berpadu atau bercampur antara dua huruf atau memasukkan satu huruf ke dalam huruf yang lain. Maka dari itu, bacaan idgham harus dilafazkan dengan cara meleburkan suatu huruf kepada huruf setelahnya. Terdapat tiga jenis idgham:
1. Idgham mutamathilain (ﺇﺩﻏﺎﻡ ﻣﺘﻤﺎﺛﻠﻴﻦ - yang serupa) ialah pertemuan antara dua huruf yang sama sifat dan makhrajnya (tempat keluarnya) dal bertemu dal dan sebagainya. Hukum adalah wajib diidghamkan. Contoh: ﻗَﺪ ﺩَﺨَﻠُﻮاْ.
2. Idgham mutaqaribain (ﺇﺩﻏﺎﻡ ﻣﺘﻘﺎﺭﺑﻴﻦ - yang hampir) ialah pertemuan dua huruf yang sifat dan makhrajnya hampir sama, seperti ba' bertemu mim, qaf bertemu kaf dan tha' bertemu dzal. Contoh: ﻧَﺨْﻠُﻘڪُﻢْ
3. Idgham mutajanisain (ﺇﺩﻏﺎﻡ ﻣﺘﺠﺎﻧﺴﻴﻦ - yang sejenis) ialah pertemuan antara dua huruf yang sama makhrajnya tetapi tidak sama sifatnya seperti ta' dan tha, lam dan ra' serta dzal dan zha. Contoh: ﻗُﻞ ﺭَﺏﱢ



Lantunan yang paling rendah. Apabila huruf Qalqalah terletak di pertengahan kalimah.

Tanda : Huruf Qalqalah sukun terdapat di pertengahan kalimah.


Lantunan yang sederhana iaitu pertengahan. Apabila memberhentikan bacaan pada huruf Qalqalah yang berada di hujung kalimah dan huruf tersebut tidak bersabdu (bertasydid). Sukun pada huruf Qalqalah di sini adalah 'aridh yang disebabkan wakaf (berhenti) padanya.

Tanda : Wakaf pada huruf Qalqalah yang tidak bersabdu.


Lantunan yang paling kuat. Apabila memberhentikan bacaan pada huruf Qalqalah yang berada di hujung kalimah dan huruf tersebut bersabdu (bertasydid). Sukun pada huruf Qalqalah di sini merupakan sukun yang 'aridh (mendatang) disebabkan wakaf (berhenti) padanya.

Tanda : Wakaf pada huruf Qalqalah yang bertasydid.



Mim bersabdu pada asalnya terdiri dari dua Mim, pertama sukun dan kedua berbaris. Mim Sukun dimasukkan ke dalam Mim yang berbaris sehingga kedua-duanya membentuk satu huruf yang bersabdu. Hukum Mim yang bersabdu adalah wajib dibaca secara Ghunnah (menzahirkan dengungnya) dengan kadar dua harakat.


Nun yang bersabdu pada asalnya terdiri dari dua huruf Nun, iaitu huruf yang pertama sukun dan yang kedua berbaris


Mad Far'ie terbahagi kepada 8.

Mad 'Aridh Lil Sukun

Dinamakan Mad 'Aridh Lil Sukun kerana terdapat sukun yang mendatang selepas huruf Mad ketika waqaf.
Dibaca 2 harakat kerana pada asalnya ia adalah Mad Asli, dibaca 4 harakat (iaitu martabat pertengahan bagi kadar Mad) kerana seumpama berhimpun dua huruf sukun serta meraikan keadaan asal dan dibaca 6 harakat kerana menyerupai Mad Lazim.

Mad Badal

Mad Badal ialah huruf Hamzah berada sebelum huruf Mad di dalam satu kalimah dan tidak terdapat huruf Hamzah atau Sukun selepas huruf Mad.
Ia dinamakan dengan Mad Badal kerana Huruf Mad tersebut adalah gantian daripada Hamzah.
Huruf Hamzah kedua ditukar kepada huruf Mad mengikut baris huruf Hamzah pertama untuk meringankan bacaan. Mad Badal terjadi dalam 4 keadaan:
a. Mad Badal yang terjadi ketika permulaan dan wasal.
b. Mad Badal yang terjadi ketika wasal sahaja.
c. Mad Badal yang terjadi ketika waqaf sahaja.
d. Mad Badal yang terjadi ketika memulakan bacaan dengannya sahaja (ibtida').

Kadar bacaannya adalah 2 harakat.

Mad 'Iwad

Berlaku ketika wakaf pada akhir kalimah yang berbaris dua di atas kecuali pada huruf Ta' Marbutah.
Ia wajib dibaca dengan kadar 2 harakat kerana ia adalah Mad Tabi'ie yang terjadi kerana waqaf.

Mad Jaiz Munfashil

Mad Jaiz Munfashil terjadi apabila Huruf Mad bertemu Hamzah dalam dua kalimah iaitu ketika wasal sahaja.
Dinamakan Mad Jaiz Munfashil kerana sebahagian daripada Imam-imam Qiraat membolehkan ianya dibaca lebih daripada kadar Mad Asli dan dinamakan Munfashil kerana Huruf Mad dan Hamzah berada di dalam dua kalimah yang berasingan.
Kadar harakatnya harus dibaca 4 atau 5 harakat. Mad Jaiz Munfashil ada dua keadaan dalam al-Quran berdasarkan kepada kaedah Resam al-Quran:
1. Mad Jaiz Munfashil Haqiqi iaitu kelihatan jelas terpisah antara Huruf Mad dan Hamzah dalam dua kalimah yang berpisah antara keduanya.
2. Mad Jaiz Munfashil Hukmi iaitu tidak kelihatan secara jelas Huruf Mad dan Hamzah berpisah dalam dua kalimah. Ia seolah-olah dalam satu kalimah. Keadaan ini berlaku pada dua situasi:
a. Ya' al-Nida' (kata seruan) apabila selepasnya ada kalimah yang dimulai dengan Hamzah.
b. Ha' Lil Tanbih apabila selepasnya terdapat Isim Isyara.

Mad Liin

Mad Liin terjadi apabila Huruf Liin bertemu dengan sukun yang mendatang ketika waqaf sahaja.
Ia boleh dibaca dengan kadar harakat 2, 4 dan 6.
Dinamakan Mad Liin kerana ia terjadi pada Huruf Lin dan boleh dibaca dengan kadar 2, 4 dan 6 kerana ia sebahagian daripada Mad 'Aridh Lil Sukun

Mad Silah Qasirah

Mad silah ialah Mad yang terdapat pada Ha' Dhomir.
Cara mengenalnya ialah apabila terdapat Ha' Dhomir pada akhir kalimah, sebelumnya terdapat huruf yang berbaris dan selepasnya juga terdapat huruf yang berbaris.

Mad Silah Qasirah ialah mad yang terdapat pada ha' dhomir iaitu selepas ha' tidak ada hamzah qat'ie.

Mad Silah Towilah

Mad silah ialah Mad yang terdapat pada Ha' Dhomir.
Cara mengenalnya ialah apabila terdapat Ha' Dhomir pada akhir kalimah, sebelumnya terdapat huruf yang berbaris dan selepasnya juga terdapat huruf yang berbaris.

Untuk mengenali Mad Silah Towilah, kita cuma perlu memerhatikan selepas ha' terdapat Hamzah Qat'ie

Mad Tamkin

Mad Tamkin berlaku apabila berhimpun dua Ya' pada satu kalimah. Ya' yang pertama mesti berbaris di bawah serta bertasydid dan Ya' yang kedua sukun.

Mad Asli

Mad Asli ialah Mad yang terjadi dengan sebab Huruf Mad. Ia juga dikenali dengan Mad Tabi'ie.
Mad Asli terjadi apabila:
a. Huruf Alif yang didahului dengan huruf yang berbaris atas.
b. Huruf Wau sukun yang didahului dengan huruf yang berbaris hadapan.
c. Huruf Ya' sukun yang didahului dengan huruf yang berbaris bawah.
Dalam riwayat Hafs terdapat tujuh kalimah yang diakhiri dengan Alif dan dibaca panjang dengan kadar 2 harakat ketika waqaf sahaja sedangkan ketika wasal kalimah-kalimah ini dibaca dengan pendek tidak bermad.

Waqaf (وقف)

Waqaf dari sudut bahasa ialah berhenti atau menahan, manakala dari sudut istilah tajwid ialah menghentikan bacaan sejenak dengan memutuskan suara di akhir perkataan untuk bernapas dengan niat ingin menyambungkan kembali bacaan. Terdapat empat jenis waqaf yaitu:
 ﺗﺂﻡّ (taamm) - waqaf sempurna - yaitu mewaqafkan atau memberhentikan pada suatu bacaan yang dibaca secara sempurna, tidak memutuskan di tengah-tengah ayat atau bacaan, dan tidak memengaruhi arti dan makna dari bacaan karena tidak memiliki kaitan dengan bacaan atau ayat yang sebelumnya maupun yang sesudahnya;
 ﻛﺎﻒ (kaaf) - waqaf memadai - yaitu mewaqafkan atau memberhentikan pada suatu bacaan secara sempurna, tidak memutuskan di tengah-tengah ayat atau bacaan, namun ayat tersebut masih berkaitan makna dan arti dari ayat sesudahnya;
 ﺣﺴﻦ (Hasan) - waqaf baik - yaitu mewaqafkan bacaan atau ayat tanpa memengaruhi makna atau arti, namun bacaan tersebut masih berkaitan dengan bacaan sesudahnya;
 ﻗﺒﻴﺢ (Qabiih) - waqaf buruk - yaitu mewaqafkan atau memberhentikan bacaan secara tidak sempurna atau memberhentikan bacaan di tengah-tengah ayat, wakaf ini harus dihindari karena bacaan yang diwaqafkan masih berkaitan lafaz dan maknanya dengan bacaan yang lain.
Tanda-tanda waqaf
1. Tanda mim ( مـ ) disebut juga dengan Waqaf Lazim. yaitu berhenti di akhir kalimat sempurna. Wakaf Lazim disebut juga Wakaf Taamm (sempurna) karena wakaf terjadi setelah kalimat sempurna dan tidak ada kaitan lagi dengan kalimat sesudahnya. Tanda mim ( م ), memiliki kemiripan dengan tanda tajwid iqlab, namun sangat jauh berbeda dengan fungsi dan maksudnya;
2. tanda tho ( ﻁ ) adalah tanda Waqaf Mutlaq dan haruslah berhenti.
3. tanda jim ( ﺝ ) adalah Waqaf Jaiz. Lebih baik berhenti seketika di sini walaupun diperbolehkan juga untuk tidak berhenti.
4. tanda zha ( ﻇ ) bermaksud lebih baik tidak berhenti;
5. tanda sad ( ﺹ ) disebut juga dengan Waqaf Murakhkhas, menunjukkan bahwa lebih baik untuk tidak berhenti namun diperbolehkan berhenti saat darurat tanpa mengubah makna. Perbedaan antara hukum tanda zha dan sad adalah pada fungsinya, dalam kata lain lebih diperbolehkan berhenti pada waqaf sad;
6. tanda sad-lam-ya' ( ﺻﻠﮯ ) merupakan singkatan dari "Al-washl Awlaa" yang bermakna "wasal atau meneruskan bacaan adalah lebih baik", maka dari itu meneruskan bacaan tanpa mewaqafkannya adalah lebih baik;
7. tanda qaf ( ﻕ ) merupakan singkatan dari "Qiila alayhil waqf" yang bermakna "telah dinyatakan boleh berhenti pada wakaf sebelumnya", maka dari itu lebih baik meneruskanbacaan walaupun boleh diwaqafkan;
8. tanda sad-lam ( ﺼﻞ ) merupakan singkatan dari "Qad yuushalu" yang bermakna "kadang kala boleh diwasalkan", maka dari itu lebih baik berhenti walau kadang kala boleh diwasalkan;
9. tanda Qif ( ﻗﻴﻒ ) bermaksud berhenti! yakni lebih diutamakan untuk berhenti. Tanda tersebut biasanya muncul pada kalimat yang biasanya pembaca akan meneruskannya tanpa berhenti;
10. tanda sin ( س ) atau tanda Saktah ( ﺳﮑﺘﻪ ) menandakan berhenti seketika tanpa mengambil napas. Dengan kata lain, pembaca haruslah berhenti seketika tanpa mengambil napas baru untuk meneruskan bacaan;
11. tanda Waqfah ( ﻭﻗﻔﻪ ) bermaksud sama seperti waqaf saktah ( ﺳﮑﺘﻪ ), namun harus berhenti lebih lama tanpa mengambil napas;
12. tanda Laa ( ﻻ ) bermaksud "Jangan berhenti!". Tanda ini muncul kadang-kala pada penghujung mahupun pertengahan ayat. Jika ia muncul di pertengahan ayat, maka tidak dibenarkan untuk berhenti dan jika berada di penghujung ayat, pembaca tersebut boleh berhenti atau tidak;
13. tanda kaf ( ﻙ ) merupakan singkatan dari "Kadzaalik" yang bermakna "serupa". Dengan kata lain, makna dari waqaf ini serupa dengan waqaf yang sebelumnya muncul;
14. tanda bertitik tiga ( ... ...) yang disebut sebagai Waqaf Muraqabah atau Waqaf Ta'anuq (Terikat). Waqaf ini akan muncul sebanyak dua kali di mana-mana saja dan cara membacanya adalah harus berhenti di salah satu tanda tersebut. Jika sudah berhenti pada tanda pertama, tidak perlu berhenti pada tanda kedua dan sebaliknya.



Hamzah Qat'ie

Hamzah Qata' iaitu hamzah yang tetap bacaannya sama ada dimulakan dengannya atau sebaliknya. Hamzah ini dinamakan dengan Hamzah Qat'ie kerana hamzah ini mempunyai baris yang pasti atau tetap kewujudannya. Hamzah Qat'ie boleh menerima baris dan ditulis dengan nyata barisnya. Ia terdapat pada ketiga-tiga jenis kalimah iaitu isim (kata nama), Fe'el (kata kerja) dan harf (kata sendi). Hamzah Qat'ie yang datang pada kalimah ini menerusi tiga keadaan iaitu:
1. Awal kalimah sama ada hamzah itu berbaris atas, bawah atau hadapan.
2. Pertengahan kalimah sama ada hamzah berbaris atas, hadapan bawah atau sukun (mati).
3. Di hujung kalimah sama ada hamzah itu berbaris atas, bawah, hadapan atau sukun (mati).
Hamzah Qat'ie berubah daripada sifat asal dalam beberapa keadaan:
1. Dibaca secara tashil iaitu bacaan antara alif dan hamzah pada lafaz 'Aajami' surah Fussilat: 44.
2. Dibaca secara ibdal (iaitu ditukarkan kepada huruf mad) jika terdapat hamzah wasal sebelumnya dan dimulakan dengan hamzah wasal tersebut. seperti pada lafaz 'Utumina' surah al-Baqarah: 283
Kaedah penulisan Hamzah Qat'ie.
1. Apabila Hamzah Qat'ie berada di awal kalimah maka ia ditulis dengan huruf alif sebagai rumahnya sama ada hamzah itu berbaris atas, bawah atau hadapan.
2. Apabila Hamzah Qat'ie berada di tengah kalimah maka ada beberapa keadaan:
 Apabila hamzah qat'ie itu sukun dan huruf sebelumnya berbaris atas maka ia ditulis dengan huruf alif sebagai rumahnya.
 Sekiranya hamzah qat'ie itu sukun dan huruf sebelumnya berbaris bawah maka ia ditulis dengan huruf Ya' sebagai rumahnya.
 Sekiranya hamzah qat'ie itu sukun dan huruf sebelumnya berbaris hadapan maka ia ditulis dengan huruf wau sebagai rumahnya.
 Sekiranya hamzah qat'ie itu berbaris dan huruf sebelumnya sukun kecuali alif maka ia ditulis bersendirian tanpa rumah.
 Sekiranya hamzah qat'ie itu berbaris atas maka ia ditulis dengan alif sebagai rumah.
 Sekiranya hamzah qat'ie itu berbaris bawah maka ia ditulis dengan huruf Ya' sebagai rumah.
 Sekiranya hamzah qat'ie itu berbaris hadapan maka ia ditulis dengan huruf wau sebagai rumah.
3. Apabila Hamzah Qat'ie berada di hujung kalimah, maka ada beberapa keadaan juga iaitu:
• Jika sebelum hamzah qat'ie tersebut huruf yang berbaris atas maka ia ditulis dengan huruf alif sebagai rumah.
• Jika sebelum hamzah qat'ie tersebut huruf yang berbaris bawah maka ia ditulis dengan huruf Ya' sebagai rumah.
• Jika sebelum hamzah qatie tersebut huruf yang berbaris hadapan maka ia ditulis dengan huruf wau.
2. Jika sebelum hamzah qat'ie tersebut huruf yang berbaris mati (sukun) maka ia ditulis bersendirian tanpa rumah.

Hamzah Wasal

Iaitu hamzah yang ditetapkan (dibaca) ketika memulakan bacaan dengannya dan tidak dibaca ketika bacaan bersambung. Ia hanya terdapat pada awal kalimah.

Hamzah wasal boleh menerima baris tetapi tidak ditulis akan barisnya secara nyata sebaliknya ia ditulis dengan huruf alif yang diletakkan kepala shad kecil di atasnya. Ia terdapat pada kalimah isim (kata nama) dan fi'il (kata kerja) sahaja


Lam pada lafaz Allah: Dibaca dengan Tarqiq apabila didahului dengan huruf yang berbaris bawah


Ra' Tarqiq

Ra' wajib dibaca dengan nipis di dalam lapan keadaan iaitu:
1. Ra' berbaris bawah sama ada di awal, tengah dan hujung kalimah.
2. Ra' berbaris kasrah 'Aridh (kasrah yang mendatang). Contoh: Surah Ibrahim: 44
3. Ra' sukun dan huruf sebelumnya berbaris bawah sama ada di tengah atau di hujung kalimah.
4. Ra' sukun, huruf sebelumnya berbaris bawah dan selepasnya Huruf Ist'ila' dalam kalimah yang berasingan. Contoh: Surah Nuh: 1
5. Ra' sukun 'Aridh kerana waqaf dan huruf sebelumnya juga sukun (selain daripada Ya', sama ada Ya' Mad atau Ya' Lin) dan huruf sebelumnya lagi berbaris bawah.
6. Ra' sukun 'Aridh kerana waqaf dan sebelumnya Ya' Mad.
7. Ra' sukun 'Aridh kerana waqaf dan sebelumnya Ya' Lin.
8. Ra' yang diimalahkan.

Di kutip dari: http://qump.bluehyppo.com/tafsir/tajwid.htm
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Biografi Bring Me The Horizon

Bring Me The Horizon (atau sering di sebut BMTH ) adalah sebuah band dari Sheffield deathcore, Yorkshire. Nama mereka berasal dari bagian terakhir dari film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, di mana Kapten Jack Sparrow mengatakan "Now... Bring me that horizon. BMTH terbentuk pada tahun 2004 dari anggota band lainnya dalam area lokal mereka. Mereka telah memasukkan unsur-unsur death metal dan metalcore dalam musik mereka, yang menghasilkan genre terbaik mereka digambarkan sebagai deathcore menjadi suara mereka di album debut mereka " Count Your Blessings "yang dirilis 30 Oktober 2006. Mereka saat ini ditandatangani untuk label Visible Noise Records, tapi pada awalnya masuk ke label rekaman Thirty Days of Night Records. Mereka juga merupakan band pertama yang menandatangani kontrak dengan label tersebut. Mereka berkeliling di masa lalu dengan band-band seperti Lostprophets (judul), The Blackout; Killswitch Engage (judul) dan The Haunted. Mereka melakukan tur headlining di Inggris selama bulan Maret dan April dengan band metalcore. Mereka juga dikonfirmasi untuk bisa bermain Download Festival 2007 pada bulan Juni juga dengan Iron Maiden, Slayer dan lain-lain Sykes. Oli dan Matt Nicholls yang menjadi vegetarian dan membuat ini terkenal. Mereka bergabung dalam kampanye PETA terhadap KFC.

Bring Me The Horizon , sebuah band dari Sheffield, England ini,Meskipun hanya terbentuk di Maret 2004, band ini telah mengumpulkan basis penggemar yang besar, baik di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat debut EP mereka, ini adalah Apa The Edge Of Seat Was Made Untuk Anda, keluar pada bulan Desember 2004 dan merupakan rilis pertama dari label independen Thirty Days Of Night Records. EP ini dirilis kembali pada bulan Januari 2006, Terlihat Kebisingan, untuk respon kritis yang positif. Pada bulan September 2006 band ini memenangkan Pendatang Baru Terbaik di Inggris Kerrang! Majalah Awards. Album debut mereka, Count Your Blessing, dirilis pada 30 Oktober 2006 di tengah tur headlining Inggris besar. Sebagai orang yang sangat terbuka dan agresif vokalis Oliver Sykes sangat mendorong "Wall of Death" (atau Braveheart) moshing, dan juga meminta "Wall Piggy-back of Death" pada konser dan pertunjukan.

Anggota saat ini
Matt Kean - bas (sejak 2004)
Lee Malia - lead guitar (sejak 2004)
Matt Nicholls - drum, perkusi (sejak 2004)
Oliver Sykes - vokal, keyboard (sejak 2004)
Jona Weinhofen - ritme gitar, keyboard backing vokal, (sejak 2009)

Anggota Touring
Dan Searle - drum, perkusi (2011)

Mantan anggota
Curtis Ward - gitar (2004-2009)

Semua Album Bring Me The Horizon

This Is What The Edge Of Your Seat Was Made For (2005)

2.They Have No Reflections
3.Traitors Never Play Hangman
4.Who Wants Flowers When You're Dead Nobody

Count Your Blessings (2006)

1.Pray for Plagues
2.Tell Slater Not to Wash His Dick
3.For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only (Braille
4.A Lot Like Vegas
5.Black and Blue
6.Slow Dance (instrumental)
7.Liquor & Love Lost
8.(I Used to Make Out with) Medusa
9.Fifteen Fathoms, Counting (instrumental)
10.Off the Heezay

Suicide Season (2008)

1.The Comedown
2.Chelsea Smile
3.It Was Written in Blood
4.Death Breath
5.Football Season Is Over (featuring J. J. Peters of Deez Nuts)
6.Sleep with One Eye Open
7.Diamonds Aren't Forever
8.The Sadness Will Never End (featuring Sam Carter of Architects)
9.No Need for Introductions, I've Read About Girls Like You on the Backs of Toilet Doors
10.Suicide Season

There Is A Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is A Heaven, Let's Keep It A Secret (2010)
1.Crucify Me (featuring Lights)
3.It Never Ends
4.Fuck (featuring Josh Franceschi of You Me at Six)
5.Don't Go (featuring Lights)
6.Home Sweet Hole
7.Alligator Blood
10.Memorial (instrumental)
11.Blessed with a Curse
12.The Fox and the Wolf (featuring Josh Scogin of The Chariot)

More song,
2.I Love You And Goodbye
3.Second Heartbeat (A7X Cover)
4.Shed Light
5.The Ending Is The Beginning
6.The Fear That Gave Me Wings

I didn’t know this song from which album, leave the comment . . !!
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Bring Me The Horizon - "Visions"

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Bring Me The Horizon - "It Never Ends"

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Bring Me The Horizon - Pray for Plagues

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Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Lirik Lagu Bring Me The Horizon - "There Is A Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is A Heaven, Let's Keep It A Secret" (2010)

1. Crucify Me

[featuring Lights]

Crucify me, nail my hands to a wooden cross
There is nothing above, there is nothing below
Heaven and Hell they just row the boat
And I'll be captain for me

I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep
No set of rules could salvage me

Only a shipwreck, only a ghost
Merely a graveyard of your former self
We just watched the waves crash over
I've been cast astray

There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
No one needs to know
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
No one needs to know

I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
Lost in the abyss, drowned in the deep
No set of rules could salvage me
Save yourself, save your breath
The tides too strong, you'll catch your death
So breathe for me, just breathe

There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret

If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive
We'll have mercy and pray for the dead
Are you saying that you can save me
Don't hope to ever find me
And I'll say that you forgot.
Pray for the dead

If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive
We'll have mercy and pray for the dead
Are you saying that you can save me
Don't hope to ever find me
And I'll say that you forgot
Pray for the dead

Pray for the dead [x3]

Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your full undivided attention?
There is something you all really need to know

There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret
There is a Hell, believe me I've seen it
There is a Heaven, let's keep it a secret

If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive
You say that you can save me
Don't hope to ever find me
And I'll say that you forgot.
Pray for the dead.

If we make it through the night, if we make it out alive
We'll have mercy and pray for the dead
You say that you can save me
Don't hope to ever find me
And I'll say that you forgot.
Pray for the dead.

I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me

I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me
I am the ocean, I am the sea
There is a world inside of me

2. Anthem

This is an anthem, so fucking sing
A dedication to the end of everything
This is an anthem, so fucking sing (so fucking sing)
A dedication to the end of everything

Someone call an ambulance, I got wounds to attend
Someone call a doctor, I fear this is the end
This happens all the time
This happens every day
But I never seem to quit
The wolves never stay at bay

I hate to say, "I told you so"
But fuck it, I told you so
And don't say a word, I already know

This is an anthem, so fucking sing
A dedication to the end of everything
This is an anthem, so fucking sing (so fucking sing)
A dedication to the end of everything

Someone call an exorcist, and help me kill this curse
I can't stop the bleeding, and it's only getting worse
This happens all the time
This happens every day
But I never seem to quit
The wolves never stay at bay

No, they don't stay!

I hate to say, "I told you so"
But fuck it, I told you so
And don't say a word, I already know
I already know

This is an anthem, so fucking sing (so fucking sing)
A dedication to the end of everything

Get the fuck up
This is it, the sound of giving in
Get the fuck up
This is it, the end of everything

Tastes so bitter, feels so sweet
Lost in a dream, never fell asleep
Tastes so bitter, feels so sweet
I've come back to old remedies

This is an anthem, so fucking sing
This is an anthem, so fucking sing

This is an anthem, so fucking sing
A dedication to the end of everything
This is an anthem, so fucking sing (so fucking sing)
A dedication to the end of everything
To the end of everything

This is an anthem, so fucking sing
A dedication to the end of everything

[Guy:] Do you feel better now?...
[Girl:] Yes
[Guy:] Less nervous...
[Girl:] Much less
[Guy:] Do you have any special feelings?
[Girl:] I feel as if my heart has been touched by Christ

3. It Never Ends

Started off as a one night stand. Lingered to a fling.
The sirens and the sergeants didn't seem to mean a thing.
Hide your fangs all you want, you still need the blood.
Tell us that it's different now, you're up to no good.

Take my hand, show me the way, we are the children that fell from grace.
Take my hand, show me the way, we are the children who can't be saved.

One more nail in the coffin. One more foot in the grave.
One more time I'm on my knees as I try to walk away.

How has it come to this?

I've said it once. I've said it twice. I've said it a thousand fucking times.
That I'm OK, that I'm fine. That it's all just in my mind.
But this has got the best of me. And I can't seem to sleep.
It's not 'cause you're not with me. It's 'cause you never leave.

You say this is suicide? I say this is a war.
And I'm losing the battle. Man down!

Is this what you call love? This is a war I can't (win).

One more nail in the coffin. One more foot in the grave.
One more time I'm on my knees, as I try to walk away

Everything I loved became everything I lost.

I've said it once. I've said it twice. I've said it a thousand fucking times.
That I'm OK, that I'm fine. That it's all just in my mind.
But this has got the best of me. And I can't seem to sleep.
And it's not 'cause you're not with me. It's 'cause you never leave.
And it's not 'cause you're not with me. It's 'cause you never leave.

Every second. Every minute. Every hour. Every day.
It never ends!
It never ends!

4. Fuck

[featuring Josh Franceschi of You Me At Six]

Let's fuck, 'til the sun comes up
'Cause we haven't got long, but we got enough.
A night to remember, a day to forget,
Don't stop til we pirouette.
I'm no saint, you're no martyr.
One more time we are together,
How do you say "goodbye"?

How do you say "goodbye",
When you've hardly said "hello"?
The only way we know,
The only way we know,
The only way we know,
The only way we know.
How do you say "goodbye",
When you've hardly said "hello"?

Let's fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Let's fuck, 'til our lungs give out,
It won't be long.
A night to remember, a day to forget.
If our eyes were diamonds, we'd be rich.
Your voice makes my heart skip beats,
So keep quiet before it quits on me.
Your voice makes my heart skip beats,
So keep quiet before it flat lines.
Before it flat lines!

I'm dead, tell them all we're dead.
We can hold the wake right here in this bed.
Sunk into you, tangled in sheets.
Buried in blankets six foot deep again.
Kick it!

Fuck, fuck, fuck

Let's fuck, 'til the sun comes up
'Cause we haven't got long, but we got enough.
A night to remember, a day to forget.
(Don't stop 'til we pirouette!)
I'm no saint, you're no martyr.
One more time we are together,
How do you say "goodbye"?

How do you say "goodbye",
When you've hardly said "hello"?
How do you say "goodbye",
When you've hardly said "hello"?

We're young and in love,
Heart attacks waiting to happen,
So come a little closer, tell me it's all in our heads.
We're young and in love,
Heart attacks waiting to happen,
So come a little closer, tell me those three little words.

We're young and in love,
Heart attacks waiting to happen,
So come a little closer, tell me it's all in our heads.
We're young and in love,
Heart attacks waiting to happen,
So come a little closer, tell me those three little words.

We're young and in love,
Heart attacks waiting to happen,
So come a little closer, tell me it's all in our heads.
We're young and in love,
Heart attacks waiting to happen,
So come a little closer, tell me those three little words.

5. Don't Go

[featuring Lights]

I was raised in the valley, there was shadows and death.
Got out alive but with scars I can't forget.
This kid back in school, subdued and shy.
An orphan and a brother and unseen by most eyes.
I don't know what it was that made a piece of him die,
Took a boy to the forest, slaughtered him with a scythe.
Stamped on his face, an impression in the dirt.
Do you think the silence makes a good man convert?

We all have our horrors and our demons to fight.
But how can I win, when I'm paralyzed?
They crawl up on my bed, wrap their fingers round my throat.
Is this what I get for the choices that I made?
God forgive me, for all my sins. God forgive me, for everything.
God forgive me, for all my sins. God forgive me, God forgive me.

Don't go, I can't do this on my own.
Don't go, I can't do this on my own.
Save me from the ones that haunt me in the night.
I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight.
Don't go.
Don't go.

If I let you in, you'd just want out.
If I tell you the truth, you'd vie for a lie.
If I spilled my guts, it would make a mess we can't clean up.
If you follow me, you will only get lost.
If you try to get closer, we'll only lose touch.
Yes you already know too much, and you're not going anywhere.

Tell me that you need me 'cause I love you so much.
Tell me that you love me 'cause I need you so much.
Tell me that you need me 'cause I love you so much.
Say you'll never leave me 'cause I need you so much.

Don't go, I can't do this on my own.
Don't go, I can't do this on my own.
Save me from the ones that haunt me in the night.
I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight.
Don't go, I can't do this on my own.
Don't go.
Save me from the ones that haunt me in the night.
I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight.
Don't go.

Don't go. [x11]

6. Home Sweet Hole

Cross my heart, I don't want to die.
But heaven knows it seems like I try.
Lost in a labyrinth for weeks on end.
I live and I learn from my mistakes, then I forget them again.

Got a feeling in my stomach that just won't quit.
It's subtle as a shotgun.
Heavy as a brick.
Because I'm staring at the devil and the truth of it is, he's a lot more familiar than I'd care to admit.

If only I could focus, maybe if I could see.
If I didn't know any better, I would say he looks just like me.
The roof is crashing down, the walls are caving in.
We discover all your stories are just works of fiction.
The roof is crashing down.
The truth is spilling out.

Oh shit, I've done it again.
I'm in way too far in over my head.
Crossed the line, so many times, that I don't even know what it stands for.

Home sweet hole, just be careful what you wish for.
Home sweet hole, just be careful what you say.

Got a feeling in my stomach that just won't quit.
It's subtle as a shotgun.
Heavy as a brick.
Bite your tongue.
Just bite your tongue.
You've already said quite enough.

The roof is crashing down, the walls are caving in.
We discover all your stories are just works of fiction.
The roof is crashing down.
The truth is spilling out.

Oh shit, I've done it again.
I'm in way too far in over my head.
Crossed the line, so many times, that I don't even know what it stands for.

You wear your lies like a noose around your neck.
So kick the chair and let's be done with it.

Home sweet hole, just be careful what you wish for.
Home sweet hole, just be careful what you say.

7. Alligator Blood

Let's play a game of Russian roulette,
I'll load the gun, you place the bets.
Tell me, who will make it out alive.

Over and over and over again, we play the same old game.
Cards kept close to our chest, that's where your secrets kept.
So wear your poker face, hands to the fool, hands to the thief, and you can't see.

My alligator blood is starting to show,
I know that you know that, I know that you know.
Can't call a bluff with a dead mans hand.

Cut me up and wear my skin,
show me how to live.
Tear me down, clean me up,
just fill my fucking cup.
Just help me find a way.
Just help me find a way.
Just help me find a way.
Just help me find a way.

My alligator blood is starting to show,
I know that you know that, I know that you know.
Can't call a bluff with a dead mans hand.

Put a gun to my head and, paint the walls with my brains.
Put a gun to my head and, paint the walls.

Now you know. [x3]

Now you know you can go, you can give up trying.
Should of just called it quits,
should of just called it quits,
leave before it's too late.

Let's play a game of Russian roulette,
I'll load the gun, you place the bet.
Tell me who will make it out alive.


(So put a gun to my head and paint the walls with my fucking brain.)

Put a gun to my head and paint the walls with my brains.
Put a gun to my head and paint the fucking walls.

8. Visions

This is a call to arms, so grab your guns and get your horses.
Only the dead have seen the end of this fight.
This is a call to arms, so all you fallen soldiers sing with me: death or glory.

So march with me if you believe there's any hope for us.
I've been hiding in these trenches for far too long.
All is fair in love and war, so they tell me.
All is fair in love and war, so they say.

Come on, come on, there has to be a better way.
Get up, get up, let's leave this mess.
I know a place that we can get away from all of this.
Come on come on, get up get up.

I've been dreaming of us leaving everything and everyone we've ever known.
I've been thinking all these visions must be a sign, so hold on and don't let go.
No, we can't leave till you tell me everything.
So come clean, don't talk in tongues. Talk in tongues.
It's time to bring out your dead.
And the skeletons that you've been hiding.
Tell me everything I need to know.
Bring out your dead. [2x]

So march with me if you believe there's any hope for us.
I've been hiding in these trenches for far too long.
All is fair in love and war, so they tell me.
All is fair in love and war, so they say.

Come on come on, get up get up.
I know a place that we can get away from all of this.

I couldn't see a thing till I shut my eyes.
I never knew a thing till I lost my mind.
I would sell my soul to know it all, but I held the keys all this time.

I've been dreaming of us leaving everything and everyone we've ever known.
I've been thinking all these visions must be a sign, so hold on and don't let go.

Bring out your dead. [3x]

9. Blacklist

So just like that you're fucking dead and gone
You can only wear a crown of thorns for so long
We built an empire and you took the throne
But you built it from bayonets and sat there alone
I hope your queen was worth it,
Do you still serve her on your knees?
Because you sat when the world was at your feet,
Just slept while we lived the dream

You won't miss the water,
Till the river runs dry
You won't miss the sunset,
Till it burns out the sky
You won't miss what you have,
Till it's finally lost
But you don't miss a bastard,
When you're bearing his fucking cross

Nothing but a blacklist
With friends like you,
There's no need for enemies
With friends like you,
There's no need for anything

You're nothing but a blacklist

Well, truth be told
I'm a little bit gutted
I mean you were always a prick,
But we still seemed to love you
We started this together and it should have stuck
But there's no room for a useless, miserable fuck
Well I know I was a cunt in the final days
It just filled me with venom, filled me with rage
To see someone not give a shit,
Despite of all of this
I won't see you around, I couldn't give a fuck
I'd rather slit my wrists than keep in touch
You're on my blacklist and there's nothing left to say
We're finished breaking our bones, dragging dead fucking weight

10. Memorial


11. Blessed With A Curse

Ever since this began, I was blessed with a curse.
And for better or for worse I was born into a hearse.
I know I said my heart beats for you. I was lying girl, it beats for two.
Because I got your love and I got these vices.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.

Ever since this began, I was blessed with a curse.
And for better or for worse I was born into a hearse.
I know I said my heart beats for you. I was lying girl.
I've been lying to you...

Everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me on my own.
Everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me on my own.

Take back every word I've said, ever said to you. [4x]
Because everything I touch turns to stone.
So wrap your arms around me, and leave me, I can't hold on.l

Take back every word I've said, ever said to you.
Take back every word I've said, every word I've said.
Take back every word I've said, ever said to you. [2x]


12. The Fox And The Wolf

[featuring Josh Scogin of The Chariot]

You said you can't get to heaven unless you get high
But there's no word of hell on the way back down
You said it's now or never,
You only live once

Would you be so quick to walk over to my grave?
You said you'll never be younger than you are tonight
Now I've never felt weaker in all my life
You said it's only a one off, only a line
But now it's a circle, all of the time
Well, it's a one man cult and he's serving his line
It's a "Lust For Life" but it's a lifeless wine
He kissed her hand and then he found out her name,
It's Death and now he can't seem to wake

You can't run with the foxes and yet hunt with the wolf

Are you addicted?
Tell me the truth

I think I'm losing my mind

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Lirik Lagu Bring Me The Horizon - "Suicide Season" (2008)

1. The Comedown


Here I am, once again. Just like a pack of wolves.
The skies were once paved with gold, now they rain on us all.
I've made my bed, so I'll lie in it.
I've dug my grave so I'll die in it.

"Tell all my friends I said goodbye, clenched teeth and fluttering eyes"
I can't go on like this.
"Tell all my friends I said goodbye, clenched teeth and fluttering eyes"
I can't go on like this.

Just like the living dead, I've got a taste for something.
And I don't want it, I just need it.
And I can't believe that it's getting harder just to feel alive.
It's getting harder just to feel alive.

Curtains close; take a bow. I think we fooled all of them now.
Who you are, what you say, what you do each and every single day.
I've made my bed, so I'll lie in it.
I've dug my grave, so God help me die in it.

Just like the living dead, I've got a taste for something.
And I don't want it, I just need it.
And I can't believe that...
Just like the living dead, I've got a taste for something.
And I don't want it, I just need it.
And I can't believe that...

And I dug my grave, so I'll lie in it. (Lie in it, lie in it)
I've made my bed, so I'll die in it. (Die in it)
I dug my grave
I dug my grave

I'd rather live, than live forever!

I'm knocking on Death's door, but you're already dead.
It's either now, or fucking never.
And that night, we meant every word we said.
All I can say...
All I can say for sure is, we're coming out tonight.
All I can say for sure is, we're coming up tonight.

Just like the living dead,
Just like the living dead,
Just like the living dead, I've got a taste for something.
And I don't want it, I just need it.
And I can't believe that...

Just like the living dead, I've got a taste for something.
And I don't want it, I just need it.
And I can't believe that...
Just like the living dead, I've got a taste for something.
And I don't want it, I just need it.
And I can't believe that it's getting harder just to feel alive.
It's getting harder just to feel alive.

2. Chelsea Smile

I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.

It sits in silence, eats away at me.
It feeds like cancer. This guilt could fill a fucking sea.
Pulling teeth, wolves at my door.
Now falling and failing is all I know.

This disease is getting worse.
I counted my blessings, now I'll count this curse.
The only thing I really know: I can't sleep at night.
I'm buried and breathing in regret.
The only thing I really know: I can't sleep at night.
I'm buried and breathing in regret.

I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.

I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.

I may look happy, but honestly dear,
the only way I'll really smile is if you cut me ear to ear.
I see the vultures, they watch me bleed.
They lick their lips, as all the shame spills out of me.

Repent! Repent! The end is nigh!
Repent! Repent! We're all gonna die!
Repent! Repent! These secrets will kill us!
So get on your knees, and pray for...

Repent! Repent! The end is nigh!
Repent! Repent! We're all gonna die!
Repent! Repent! These secrets will kill us!
So get on your knees, and pray for forgiveness!

We all carry these things inside that no one else can see.
They hold us down like anchors. They drown us out at sea.
I look up to the sky, there may be nothing there to see.
But if I don't believe in him, why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?


I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you don't know.

I've got a secret.
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs.
And I'm gonna keep it.
I know something you will never know.
You will never know.
I know something you don't know.

3. It Was Written In Blood

Goodbye my friend, goodbye my love, you're in my heart
It was preordained that we should part,
and be united by and by, united by and by.
Goodbye no handshake to endure.
Now there's nothing.

It was written in blood
It was written in blood
It was written in blood
Oh god, written in blood
It was written in blood
It was written in blood
Oh my god, it was written in blood

Let's have no sadness, furrowed brow.
There's nothing new in dying now. [x2]
Though living is no newer... [x2]
And it was written in blood.

It was written in blood
It was written in blood
It was written in blood
Oh my god, it was written in blood
It was written in blood
It was written in blood
Oh my god!
It was written... in blood
On a suicide note

Like roses, we blossom then die [x3]
Like roses, we've fallen apart [x2]
Like roses, we blossom then die [x3]
Like roses, we've fallen apart [x2]

Though living is no newer [x2]

(It was written in blood, on a fucking suicide note, the day before he died)

It was written in blood
It was written in blood
It was written in blood
My god, written in blood
It was written in blood
It was written in blood
Oh my god!
It was written... in blood

Like roses, we blossom then die
Like roses, we blossom then die
We've fallen apart (Fallen apart!)
We've fallen apart (Fallen apart!)
Fallen apart
We fall, like roses

Like roses [x2]
Like roses...[x2]

4. Death Breath

The sun goes down, we come out.
A different party in a different city.
The sun comes up, we come down.
We lived fast & died pretty.


I'm not homesick, i am just so sick of going home.
I've been walking these streets for days.
In search of blood.
Yeah I'd kill for the sun to never rise again.
I'd do anything oh anything.

So tie a rope around my neck, pull it tight till it breaks.
You cant kill us , we never fucking die.
I want to sink my teeth into all of you
If only you could see how sweet this could be
But you leave a bad taste in my mouth
So spit it out, so spit it out

5. Football Season Is Over

Why the fuck can I not hail a taxi?
Arm out like a Nazi - every cunt's driving past
Where the fuck is everyone?
I can't see anyone. I can't see anything!

The hardest part of today is a hangover
Empty bottles and empty promises
I got every person I need
And it's gonna be one hell of a messy night!
I can't remember last night. I can't remember anything!

"Party til you pass out, drink til' you're dead.
Dance all night til you can't feel your legs"
We are done with giving a fuck.

6. Sleep With One Eye Open

Fuck you,
You took what you wanted and left, like locusts.
Everything I gave to you, everything that we've been through
You bled me dry and then left, like leeches.
Go, you got what you could now leave, like vultures

Ripped apart in minutes what was built in seven years
The ink scarred on your back may as well of disappeared
For as long as I remember, you sold everything you owned
But now you sold our friendship, you're on your fucking own.

If I had it my way I'd slit your throat with the knife you left in my back
All the shame, all this guilt, all this regret, that's me
I'm inside of you and this is your world
Fucking falling apart mate, from the inside out.
Everything will fall at your feet - you got hell to pay

And you better fucking bow down to me
You better beg for mercy
Get on your fucking knees and cry me a fucking river

Sleep with one eye open
Sleep with one eye open
Sleep with one eye open
Best friends means forever, cunt.

7. Diamonds Aren't Forever

We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead

I refuse! I refuse!
I refuse to close my eyes!

I have loved, and I have lost.
I have turned, and I have tossed.
I have listened, and I have watched.
I've gave into this for long enough!
I have lost, and I have loved.
Sleep has stolen far too much.
Close your eyes, but not just yet
Sleep is just a cousin of death!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again
If you think you're alive then you're better off dead
I've said it before, and I'll say it again
Figure it out


So throw your diamonds in the sky, we'll stay gold forever?
So throw your diamonds in the sky, we'll stay gold forever?

I can promise you one thing: Death will take us all!
I can promise you one thing: You will die alone!

We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style!
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie!

We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest, 'til we're all fucking dead
We will never sleep, 'cause sleep is for the weak
And we will never rest

I refuse! I refuse!
I refuse to close my eyes!

8. The Sadness Will Never End

Our legs begin to break
We've walked this path for far too long
My lungs, they start to ache
But still we carry on
I'm choking on my words
Like I got a noose around my neck
I can't believe it's come to this
And dear, I fear
That this ship is sinking tonight

I won't give up on you
These scars won't tear us apart
So don't give up on me
It's not too late for us
And I'll save you from yourself
And I'll save you from yourself

Our legs begin to break
We've walked this path for far too long
My lungs begin to ache
But still we carry on
I'm choking on my words
Like I got a noose around my neck

I'm not coming home tonight
I'm not coming home tonight
'Cause dear I fear, dear I fear
I'm not coming home tonight
I'm not coming home tonight
'Cause dear I fear
This ship is sinking
Is there hope for us?
Can we make it out alive?
I can taste the failure on your lips
Is there hope for us?
Can we make it out alive?
I can taste the failure

Close your eyes
There's nothing we can do
But sleep in this bed that we made for ourselves
You're trapped in your past
Like it's six feet under

I won't give up on you
These scars won't tear us apart
So don't give up on me
It's not too late for us
I'll save you from yourself
I'll save you from yourself
I'll save you from yourself
I'll save you from yourself

Try to numb the pain
With alcohol and pills
But it won't repair your trust
You can't stand on two fucking feet
With a substance as a crutch

I won't give up
I won't give up on you
We'll play this symphony
I won't give up
I won't give up on you
We'll play this symphony of sympathy

I won't give up
I won't give up on you
We'll play this symphony of sympathy
I won't give up
I won't give up on you
We'll play this symphony of sympathy

9. No Need For Introductions, I've Read About Girls Like You On The Back Of Toilet Doors

For people like you, there is no such thing as an early grave.
You wanted to gut my dreams until I was empty, and show everyone my remains.

And after everything you put me through, I should of FUCKING PISSED ON YOU!

10. Suicide Season

We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore.
The days turn into nights, empty hearts and empty places.
The day you lost him, I slowly lost you too.
For when he died, he took a part of you.

No time for farewells, no chances for goodbyes.
No explanations, no fucking reasons why.
I watched it eat you up, pieces falling on the floor.
We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore.

If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way.
I would climb my way to heaven, and bring him back home.
Don't give up hope, my friend, this is not the end.

We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore.
The days turn into nights, empty hearts and empty places.
The day you lost him, I slowly lost you too.
For when he died, he took a part of you.

Death is only a chapter, so lets rip out the pages of yesterday.
Death is only a horizon. And I'm ready for sun to set.


If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way.
we would climb my way to heaven, and bring home again. [x2]

This is Suicide Season. [x2]

If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way.
We would climb my way to heaven, and bring home again. [x2]

If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way.
We would climb my way to heaven, and bring home again. [x3]

We would do anything to get him back to you.
We would do anything to end what your going through.
If only sorrow could build a staircase, or tears could show the way.
I would climb my way to heaven, and bring him back home.
I would do anything to bring him back to you.
Because if you got him back, I would get back the friend that I once knew.


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Lirik Lagu Bring Me The Horizon - "Count Your Blessings" (2006)

1. Pray For Plagues


She starts her new diet, of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood but laced in sick.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.
Sold out the love that she had left with a cut of the throat.
Drinks all round on her before she strolls to the moat.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.

Count your fucking...
Come on!
Count your blessings,
Because I'm counting every lie.
Count your blessings,
Because I'm counting every lie.
Counting every lie.

Christ, I'm asking you for just one thing
I'm asking you for just one thing
Eradicate, this disease.

Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Oh Lord cleanse this earth
And bring upon our doomsday.
Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Cleanse this earth
And bring doomsday.

She starts her new diet, of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood but laced in sick.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.

So clap your hands to the sound
Of every first born dying now.
Watch the rivers flow with blood
Having stand were life once stood

So clap your hands to the sound
Of every first born dying now.
Watch the rivers turn to blood
Having stand were life once stood

Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Cleanse this earth
Bring our doomsday.

2. Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick

I've been away for every day and every fucking night.
I've seen your eyes, I've seen your eyes, I've seen your eyes.
I've been away for every day and every fucking night.
And with every city, it gets harder.

You've got a mouth like a razor-blade. It cuts so deep.
So kiss my wrists, my neck and give me eternal sleep.

You say, you say, I'm only a phone call away.
But for me, this distance is decay.

So line my throat with lipstick and leave my blood for flies.
I'll gurgle the blues under a sea of lies.
Before you take me to sea, let me kiss the bride.
Now take my body to the shore and ill wait for the tide.

I will always love you!
But I need pills to sleep.
I have always failed you!
So throw away my memories.

So throw away my memories.

3. For Stevie Wonders Eyes Only (Braille)

It's 3:18, mouth tastes like the corpse of every pregnant teen,
The minutes are hours, the hours are days,
I feel infected by your presence, you speak in tongues,
I smell the lies dancing on your blackened lungs,

I whispered in her ear:
Fear me dear, for I am Death,
I'll take your hope, I’ll take your love,
Till there's nothing left

I whispered in her ear:
You better fear me dear, for I am Death,
I'll take that shit you call a life, in a single fucking breath.

I'll take your hope,
I'll take your fucking dreams!
I'll take your love,
I'll take everything you fucking...

I'll steal the diamonds
From your eyes,
I'll turn your promises
Into lies,
I'll steal the diamonds
From your eyes,
I'll turn your promises
Into lies.

It's 3:18, mouth tastes like the corpse of every pregnant teen,
The hours are days, the days are dead,
I feel infected by your presence, you speak in tongues,
I smell the lies dancing on your blackened lungs,

I hear the fear in your voice
But you shouldn't feel a thing,
Your life's already worse than any pain that I could bring,
That I could bring,
That I could bring,

I could make it December every day,
But you're so blind, it may as well be May,

And I whispered in her ear:
You better fear me dear, for this is Death
And I whispered in her ear:
Fear me, 'cause I am Death

One more time,

I whispered in her ear:
Fear me dear, for I am Death,
I'll take everything you ever loved

I whispered in her ear:
You better fear me, for I am Death.
For I am Death.
For I am Death


4. A Lot Like Vegas

So cash in all your chips tonight baby
Cause were going out of style.
We could leave this city, if only for a while.
Well take this feeling to our graves
For every heart that we betrayed.
No one can know about this.
Well take this feeling to our graves
For every heart that we betrayed.
No one can know about this.

The only place ill ever call home, is my deathbed.

I know we're so wrong
But it feels so right.
And its not a party,
If it happens every night.
I'm running on empty,
Your running out of luck.
So lets ditch this city,
Before we sober up

5. Black & Blue

I guess some kids are just born with tragedy in their blood,
I try to wash this away,
I wanna cleanse your

I can help you see the light
Out of your despair,
You tie the rope,
I'll kick the fucking chair!

I feel the malice in my veins
My heart swells with hatred in your name,
And when you've got nothing to turn black and blue,
You've still got Hell to look forward to,

(You've still got Hell
You've still got Hell
When you've still got Hell)

I will dance on your grave,
I will dance on your fucking grave,
I will dance on your grave,
I will dance on your grave,

Oh, when you're blessed with a grave to call your own,
In my mind you'll be six feet closer to your home,
Your eulogy will be music,
Your eulogy will be music to my ears,

Oh, yeah,

I can help you to see light out of your despair,
You tie the rope, I'll kick the fucking chair,

I feel the malice in my veins,
And my heart swells with hatred in your name,
And when you've got nothing to be black and blue,
You've still got Hell,
You've still got Hell to look forward to,

Black and blue,
Black and blue,

I have never really fucking cared,
She never fucking, had fucking air,
I have never really fucking cared,
Tie the rope, I'll kick the fucking chair,
Let's go

6. Slow Dance


7. Liquor & Love Lost

I thought I saw your eyes,
Laced in smoke & cigarette curls.
I thought I saw your eyes
But I'm seeing ghosts tonight.

She haunts me!
'til my bitter end.
She haunts me!

I swear I heard your voice, overwhelmed by conversation.
I swear I heard your voice but I'm hearing ghosts tonight!
The bars turn out there lights.
And I drink away the day as it decays.

So much for living forever,
So much for death do us part

She haunts me!
She haunts me!
She haunts me!
Every fucking...

8. (I Used To Make Out With) Medusa

Dead hands clutch my arm
The smell of death fills the air
Her fragrance,
Her carcass reanimates.

Oh, if you need me
I'll be tying a rope to the tree
Where our love used to be.

I've took down every photo of us and buried them at sea.
I've took down every photo of us and buried them at sea.
Don't worry dearest
Beauty is only skin deep.


Your beauty is no more.
So why don't you just fuck yourself you fucking whore.
Your beauty is no more.
So why don't you just fuck yourself you stupid fucking whore.

Well I should of known,
Not to look into her eyes
I'm cast to stone,
Her glare was my demise!


Your beauty is no more.
So why don't you just fuck yourself you fucking whore.

Dead hands clutch my arm
The smell of death fills the air
Her fragrance,
Her carcass reanimates.

Since you left me, things have never been the same.

Hour by hour, day by day.
Your memory will fade away.
Every sunrise, every sunset
Will help me to forget your name,
Your smile, your eyes

Decapitate her and bring her head to athena
Unlike her sisters, She ain't no deathless God.
This is for everytime you stabbed me in the back
For every notch in your bed post
This is for everytime you stabbed me in the back
For every notch in your bed post

9. 15 Fathoms & Counting


10. Off The Heezay

Off the heezay,
I've been taken from your arms
So many times I've felt this before.
The sheets are tangled
And they don't feel right on my carcass.
Like you do.

This is my revenge!
For every second sleep has stole
I feel dead
I feel dead inside.
I feel dead
I feel so fucking dead
I feel dead
I feel so dead!

Last night we dressed to our best,
And drank 'til there was nothing left.
I walked you home, you held my hand
We fucked away the rest of the night

Take my hand
For this is my revenge.
This is my revenge.
For every second lost.
This is my revenge!
This is my revenge!
This is my revenge!
This is my...
This is my revenge!
This is my...
(For every second)
Sleep has stole

And sweetie, I've got to say
That I'm really not worth the time of your day.
I guess when when we left each other for the first time
We didn't think goodbye would be our new favorite line.

Come on come on, get up get up.
I know a place that we can get away from all of this.

I couldn't see a thing till I shut my eyes.
I never knew a thing till I lost my mind.
I would sell my soul to know it all, but I held the keys all this time.

I've been dreaming of us leaving everything and everyone we've ever known.
I've been thinking all these visions must be a sign, so hold on and don't let go.

Bring out your dead. [3x]

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Lirik Lagu Bring Me The Horizon - "This Is What The Edge Of Your Seat Was Made For" (2005)

1. They Have No Reflections

And I've been dragging the lake for dead kids,
While you were sleeping,
Crossing away the calendar,
Rotting away, into the ground,

Where you belong,
Where you belong,
Where you belong,
Where you belong,


I don't know what they said,
They all left me for dead,
And when I'm done,
God can have his way,
God can have his way,
God can have his way,
For now...,


And when I'm done,
God can have his way with me,
And when I'm done,
God can have his way with me,

So nail the casket one more time,

Nail the casket one more time,
I'm ready to go, baby,
Nail the casket one more time,

Nail the casket one more time,
I'm ready to go, baby,
Nail the casket one more time,

Twist the knife, it won't last forever,
Twist the knife, you know it won't, baby,
Twist the knife, it won't last,
Forever, forever more,

Go, go,


Do not change the subject,
Let's go chase the sunset,
Bring me the horizon,
Bring me the horizon,

Twist the knife, it won't last forever,
Twist the knife, it won't last,
Forever, it won't last forever,
So nail the casket,

I hate all my... friends,
I hate all my... friends,
I hate all my... friends,
I hate all my... friends,
I... hate all my friends,
Never forgive... them,
Never forgive... friends,
I hate all my... friends,
I hate all my... friends

2. Who Wants Flowers When You're Dead? Nobody

A cherry sunset blossoms,
But we're not there to watch it fall,
On the vacant canvas, we should be waiting,
with our face down on the grass,
Staring till our eyes give way,
Let's paint this city black,
While the night's still young,


This cherry sunset withers,
Our words, as frail as paper,
A dawn I thought we'd never see,
Alone on this silent beach,
There is nothing we can do,
There is nothing we can do,

The sky, it burns itself out,
The sky, it burns itself out,
The sky, it burns itself out,
The sky, it burns itself,

The trees rot down to nothing,
Throats dry out and corpses fill the sidewalks,
These promenades, our graveyards,

The sky, it burns itself out,
The sky, it burns itself out,

There is nothing we can do,
The sky, it burns itself,
And I think we're all about to fucking die,
The trees rot down to nothing,
Throats dry out and corpses fill these sidewalks,
These promenades, our graveyards,
Kneeling down on what's left, sacrificed upon dooms day,
Oh, if we could take it back and see one last twilight,

Take a picture, take a picture,
Take a picture, take a picture,
Take a picture,

Take a picture, take a picture,
Take a picture, take a picture,
It will last longer,

Our hands in prayer formation,
Our elbows on the bed,
One last try for Heaven,
Thinking who wants flowers when you're dead?,
You're dead,
When you're dead,

Cherry, cherry,
Cherry, cherry,

Cherry, cherry,
Cherry, cherry,

Cherry, cherry,
A cherry sunset,



Take it back, what you suffer me,
Take it back, what you suffer me, baby,
Take it back, what you suffer me,
Take it back, what you suffer me, baby,

Taking back, what you stole from me,
Taking back, what you stole from me, baby.

Taking back, what you stole,
Taking back, what you stole from me.


Wash away these memories, silent and proud,
Wash away these memories, silent and proud.

Blood won't confirm on these curtains.
Your blood, my hands,
Your blood, my fucking hands.

Run for the hills,
Your strength, from the dead afar,
Run for the hills,
Your strength from luck, cut this off,

And if you think you're alive,
Then you're better off fucking dead,


This will be, another moment where we put
Salt in my eyes, in wake I won't
Salt in my eyes
In hope I won't see your... smile.
I will not see her.

This will be over my dead body,
This will be over my dead body.
This will be over my dead body,
This will be over my dead body.
This will be over my dead body,
This will be over my dead body.

4. Traitors Never Play Hang-man

This is what the edge of your seat was made for,
Holding on, nothing to lose,
This is what the edge of your seat was made for,
And this,

This is what the back of your hand was made for,
Stolen apologies,
Stolen apologies, you,

You're a traitor to my heart,
You're a traitor to us all,


This over indulgence of conciseness,
Has torn a day apart,
And lingered in the splendor,
Of the feeling in my stomach,
Trailing down the shadow of cupped hands,
Covering my face,
I wait for what I have to do,


We're all movie stars,
We're all movie stars,
We're all movie stars,
We're all movie stars,

(And I'm speaking these words)
(And I'm talking to the mirror)

You're a traitor to my heart,
You're a traitor to us fucking all,

I don't want to kiss anyone,
I don't want to kiss anyone but you,
I fucking love you
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